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Showing posts from September, 2021

Finishing my introduction

Hello!! Since I've last posted, I've been thinking a bit on how I could improve on what I wrote previously. One thing I've decided to do is to define words before listing them in the post.   Bipedality: having two legs Thermoregulation: a n organism's ability to maintain an average body temperature Primates: a group of mammals including monkeys, apes, lemurs, and humans So, many factors went into play as we evolved into modern humans. Anthropologists have different theories as to how and why we evolved in the first place, but I'll only list the main, important ones. Before we get to theories, though, we should talk about something we've accidentally ignored all this time - the climate! During this time, a global cooling was taking place, and it was affecting the environment big time. Rainforests were transitioning into grasslands, and grasslands were transforming into dry, uninhabitable deserts. Make sure to keep this in mind while reading through theories, as c